Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A few more from Amy & Whitney's Families

I am having fun with this photography thing-I have always enjoyed a hard problem to solve & am finding a creative enjoyment I never new existed in me. However, being one who has never enjoyed the whole learning curve thing I am also insanely frustrated with my inability to make things exactly how I think they should be. With that said, this weekend I am embarking on an even more frustrating adventure and am tackling the big guns, aka Photoshop CS5 (thank you student discount!). I have been using Light Room (again, thank you student discount!) and although it is an AWESOME program I am already feeling limited. I also feel convicted that in order to really go for being a professional photographer & offer potential clients the best of my ability I need to know The Professionals' software.

I am hoping to launch Imaya Remenak Photography in the beginning of May, so keep checking in for introductory special pricing, Facebook page, and website/blog link. Till then here are a few more of Amy & Whitney's beautiful families (I have a few more practice sessions lined up so stay tuned for those as well).

I learned a lot about not scheduling photos during nap time. Amy tried putting on a movie for a break.

But Mr. Kellen fell asleep during.

Elle & Connor decided they needed to have a dance party.

Kellen slept through the crazy.

 And now more Whitney's beautiful babes.

I do believe the exact words were, "No more pictures." Made me laugh how Grayson, the younger, is totally look to Parker, for what to do.  Also am learning boys attention span for pictures, even with candy bribes, is much shorter than girls of the same age.

      I know this is a repeat but wanted to add the series.


  1. WOW! These are some very beautiful shots! You really have a keen eye! LOVED looking at them and thanks for sharing :) Keep it up!

  2. It's so funny that you mention this, because I've had my hands in photoshop for a while, and am now tempted to get lightroom. I like the idea of you getting into true professional photography programs, mostly because the ladies I know rely, and I mean HEAVILY, on lightroom. I love the idea of you getting a facebook page and a website and of you doing it soon. I mean, the quicker the better right? I'm looking forward to spreading the facebook love and promoting the HECK out of you. Your talent is amazing, even if it can be frustrating when you're a perfectionist.
