Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

hmm, this may just work

Last night I was tired. I was literally nodding off as I was giving H her bedtime feeding. The sad part of my daily exhaustion is it is more or less self induced. H is a pretty good sleeper-she typically goes to sleep around 9/9:30 pm wakes between 3:30/4 am for a 30 min feeding then sleeps till around 8/8:30. Occasionally, she will sleep strait through and skip the 3:30/4 am feeding, but it is only occasionally. However, for some reason every night I plan on her skipping that feeding and sleeping all the way through. This in turn leads me to staying up till 2 am, falling asleep around 2:30 am, waking up to feed H for the 3:30/4 am feeding. Falling back asleep around 5 am then waking again at 7/7:30 am with big sister L. The night before last there was an added waking up at 6 am because a certain three year old needed to go potty.

The problem isn't that sleep isn't possible, the problem is I am staying up during that sleep possible window. You see, I HAVE TO HAVE ME-TIME and me time for me is blissful alone time. It is a time to exercise, to work on projects, to have devotions, to organize to just regroup and find myself. I have always been a morning me-time person, and L blessed this need greatly with always sleeping in. But H's sleep schedule was just so across the board those first 6 weeks I got use to grabbing some me-time in the evenings when J was still up and could watch her. Once H's sleep patterns became more consistent I just sort of extended the me-time evenings to 2 am. Only problem being 1) I wasn't getting any sleep. I don't need  a lot of sleep but I do need at least 4 hours uninterrupted to function; 6 hours to wake up really refreshed and ready to go. More than 6 and I am just groggy and unhappy. 2) I have been struggling with managing my day. For some reason I just really need that am time alone to get off to a good start and 3) Exercising in the evenings (afternoons too) just works against my bodies natural rhythms.

Anyway, as I was jerking my self awake while feeding H I moaned to myself about once again being to exhausted to get a good workout in. Then it hit me! Why am I not going to sleep around 10 pm and then just get up for the day when she wakes for her early morning feeding? Brilliant! So obvious that I am not sure why I didn't figure it out sooner.

This morning I woke at 4 am when she woke (J gets up at 3 am to go to work-I sleep through it), got her back to sleep by 4:45. Then I emptied the dishwasher; had my morning coffee and listened to NPR; worked out; looked up a craft project for L, created a sample, and got all the supplies ready for hers, now blogging and will be doing devotions shortly. What a perfect morning. I feel better than I have in a really long time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing that the reason that you didn't think of it before is because you were sleep deprived :) I SUCK at carving out me-time, and the whole family suffers for it. Good for you for being creative and open minded, but not sacrificing the things that help keep you the awesome, beautiful, creative mom that you are.
