Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hannah's Birth

Joe's grandmother told me she has never heard of anyone describing the birth of their child as "fun", but honestly that is the best word to describe Hannah's labor and delivery. I mean seriously, this girl came out because I laughed between contractions.

The best re-telling of the event that sleep deprived me can do at this time:

We were suppose to go in around 8 pm the night before to get the induction started. However, right as we were getting ready  to leave the hospital called to say that due to being extremely busy they were bumping us to the next morning at 7 am. Needless to say we were super bummed but decided to trust that God had a plan and just keep praying. Then again, right as we were heading out the door, the hospital called to bump us to "possibly" that afternoon. I was having a VBAC and the timing of things (i.e., my doctor being able to be on the premise during my entire labor-insurance requirement) in order to avoid a c-section was extremely important. Being bumped to the afternoon was making chance at a VBAC rather slim. I called my ever wonderful OB and she immediately called the hospital, told them absolutely not and then called to tell us she would see us as planned.

We arrived right at the shift change and the head nurse greeted us warmly, led us to our room and told us she assigned us her favorite delivery nurse-whom she rightfully raved on about. The moment our nurse walked in I knew she was part of God's plan as we instantly connected. I seriously could not of had a better, more wonderful nurse-she was awesome. Soon my doctor arrived checked my cervix announced that I was dilated to about a two, and that the baby was so low that if I was at ten she would say push. The pictocin was started followed by a very dark cloud of extreme back labor. Soon the epidural was in place and leaving me to just enjoy the ride. Joe and I joked that the rest of my labor was almost like being on a date. No kids, lots of laughing, joking and talking. Once the epidural was in place my body relaxed and rather quickly I was at ten. I believe I got the epidural around noon, at 2 pm I was at a four, a little after 4 pm I was at a seven and an hour latter she was crowning. Delivery consisted of four pushes, two contractions and one accidental laugh. I was between contractions, not suppose to push then someone made a joke and out popped Hannah. The whole experience was wonderful and every time I think of it I am just filled with happiness.

38.5 weeks

Minutes after she was laughed out.

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First time in Daddy's arms.

My sister brought L by about an hour after the birth. Linnea was too excited to wait any longer.

The first thing L said when walking in the room, "Is Hannah really here?!!!!"

First family of four picture.

L: "HI, BABY HANNAH! I have waited so long."

L: "I am a BIG sister! I am a big sister!"

My little sister, L's little sister

First bath

Daddy is much more gentle with brushes/combs.

The next day with a very swollen nose and face.

The next morning while we are packing up.

L: "I am SO HAPPY. I love you so much, baby Hannah!"

Terrible picture of us all but we are ready to go home and it isn't even noon the next day.

Hannah's going home outfit.

At home with my girls :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this! The fact that she was born while you were laughing gave me goose bumps. I love the look of love on everyone's face and how sweet little Hannah is. The pictures are beautiful, especially the one of Linnea and Hannah on the bed. So so happy for you guys!

    PS-How the heck do you look so cute minutes after you had a baby? Both times, my hospital pictures make me look like an awkward, fat 14 year old, minus the braces. You, on the other hand, look like those pictures in parenting magazines we all scoff at!
