Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Outing and Train Ride

A few days after Hannah's birth was my birthday; the sun was out, the air was warm and as North Westerners in the dismal spring there is very little that could of kept us inside. I was feeling great and L thought my birthday could only be really special if we rode the zoo train, so off our new family of four went. We got to the zoo train right as one train left and were told that it would be about 20 minutes for the next one. We asked Linnea if she would want to go look at some nearby animals while we waited. We were expecting a yes but instead got, "No, I choose to wait for the train." Me: "It will be kind of a long wait lets go look at the tigers and then come back." L: "No tigers, I will wait patiently." And wait patiently and happily she did. Kind of sad that my three year old has way more patients than I do. 
I had no idea how typical something like this was going to become.

Waiting patiently.

Finally on the train and oh so happy.

Hannah was there too, but snuggled asleep in the Ergo.

I was too, and having a great birthday.

Joe, aka Daddy, having a great time too.

But I think L probably was the happiest of us all to be on the train.

Our train. L is ready to say goodbye and head to the exhibits.

Watching the zoo keeper train the sea otters.

Joe lifted L in a rather mermaid like position to watch too.

This was a rather life changing moment as the zoo keeper was a woman and L hasn't quit talking about it. She even decided she was going to be a zoo keeper as well as a construction worker. Her two favorite things-animals and large machines.

She wanted to sit of on every statue.

Enjoying my girls on a perfect day.

Wouldn't be a zoo trip without driving the beloved tractor.

At home and zonked out from the long day.

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