Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hannah is here!

It is kind of crazy to think that our precious Hannah has been here for a month and I have yet to do a blog post. There are so many things to share about our precious new girl, and I hope to steal enough time this week to get caught up.

Itty-bitty Hannah is the sweetest, cuddly little baby. She loves nothing more than to be cuddled soundly on someone. She is very calm, very relaxed, and overall just a happy little girl. I am amazed at how much I love and adore this itt-bitty. The greatest part of having a second child is knowing how quickly this first year goes by. So instead of feeling overwhelmed, or frustrated with the lack of sleep and lack of free arms I am just relishing in it. I know all to soon my cuddly, always wanting to be held new born phase will be over. All too soon I will be looking at a little girl and not a baby.

L has adjusted to Hannah better than we expected. They first couple weeks we dealt with some behavioral issues as L adjusted to no longer getting our undivided attention. However, L seems, for the most part, back to herself. I found that it is especially important for me to set aside time that is just L and Mommy time. Joe and L have always been extremely close and in the beginning he was planning daily projects and activities for L and he 'to do. In theory it was a great plan, but L interpreted it as "Daddy doing so much with me cause Mommy doesn't want me anymore. Luckily, she was able to express this to me (I nearly cried when she said it) and we were able to adjust the game plan accordingly. L and Hannah already have a special sister bond forming-L LOVES to hold her sister, and help with taking care of Hannah's needs. In return, Hannah gives L more smiles than anyone else. L has an impressive ability to calm her little sister quickly down.

When Hannah was one week old I had a friend take some pictures of her (Grandparents enjoy :-)


  1. What a precious precious angel baby Hannah is. So glad you're taking the time to enjoy the baby. I call it being in the baby cocoon- perfectly acceptable to enjoy that time while you have it. Give that baby girl a sweet kiss from me, and keep up the pictures. She really is so pretty. Your children are both just breathtaking.

  2. Oh I, these are so so beautiful! Hannah looks like such a gentle soul. I have no doubt that these two little girls will have such an amazing impact on the world. You raise good babies.

    Also, LOVE the flower headbands! Be careful, they're addictive :)
