Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Friday, January 21, 2011

3rd Well Baby Check Up

Today I took L to her three year old Well Baby Check Up-I know a month late but every year we have done mid January so I am sort of keeping the trend for record keeping. I don't think I could say enough positive things about L's pediatrician, but then again if you are a doctor with the name Smart you got to be good, right? Once again Dr. Smart spent an hour just talking with us, asking questions about L's development, engaging L in play and winning L's adoration. Dr. Smart concluded that not only is L extremely healthy she is developmentally doing things of a five or six year old-always nice to hear. We also found out that L is 42 inches tall, not even on the charts for a three year old girl, and would be in the 95% if she was four! Also, L weighed in at 35 lbs which gave her the BMI of 14. 0 or 5% for weight to height-EEEK! However, Dr. Smart assured me that L is not under weight for her body build type (she has really slender bones). Remember when I told you she was about to have a growth spurt hence the chubby belly and cheeks? Well the growth spurt hit in full force. I am honestly not sure why I still get surprised by L's height (or height to weight ratio) as it hasn't much changed at any point in her life. Nonetheless each time I get the percentiles I am floored. At 5'5 and 6 ft neither Joe nor I would be considered "tall", however, I guess she got all the Kording genes for height. (Joe's maternial side produces rather tall females.)

I tried getting a couple cute pictures of my cute three year old but...
"Cheese!" Can you turn around and smile?

Not quite what I had in mind.

So we did a picture together. I happened to love this picture as I think it shows that my gene pool is starting to shine through. Come on look at the smiles, chins, and eye shape? I may be grasping for straws here but it is all I got.


  1. I absolutely see the resemblance! Especially in the eyes and the smiles.
    Brace yourself. I think three was about the last time I got a trulely genuine smile on film. Now I've got to be very sneaky, with about 100 outtakes.

  2. She looks SO much like you! What a smart, sweet & beautiful little girl!
