Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Fair

A couple of weeks ago we joined our friends the Janes' and spent a Friday evening at the county fair. Growing up in a small Northern California town the county fair was a pretty big deal. But in the big city it is just a blip on the schedule of summer activities list.

We started our adventurers with the reptile exhibit. I do believe that L and Joe were the only ones who actually liked this exhibit as the rest of us were trying to escape as quickly as we entered. L spent a great amount of time, much to the stress of my snake phobia, looking in the glass, sticking out her tongue. Sorry very few reptile exhibit pictures-this mama don't play that.

Then we moved on to the animals-the sheep, the goats, the cows the horses, the chickens, the rabbits.  Skyler and L really enjoyed the animals. Mr. Former 4H President Joe kept us all well informed on the breed, the history, the use of each animal. The lighting was terrible, and the pictures turned out worse. So this is what you get:

Now on to the fun stuff.

L and Skyler were entranced by this contraption-four hand pumps, connected by four ramps and four buckets to create a continual square. There were rubber duckies to place on the ramp and then push down by pumping the water through. L LOVED to pump, and Skyler was pretty keen on collecting the duckies. They make a pretty awesome team.

Working together

L really getting into the pumping

Skyler fetching more ducks

L concentrating really hard on getting that water out.

Skyler tried out the pump too.

Working together again

Now on to the rides:
Sadly we started with the lame, on loop around, over ticketed boat ride. The girls enjoyed it, luckily it was the first one so they didn't know how fun the rides could be yet.

Next up the much beloved dump truck ride. L and Skyler were in absolute glee getting to drive the dump truck. A very smart person designed a steering wheal for each seat on the dump trucks, so although sharing the vehicle the each got to drive.

Utter glee!

Next and last up the Merry-Go-Round. This was by far the favorite, as neither girl wanted the expereince to end. Sadly I am a complete novice at Merry-Go-Round pictures and could quite capture the happiness. But this is what I got.

Best L Merry-Go-Round happy face captured

Best Skyler Merry-Go-Round happy face captured

And we can't forget that always happy and cheerful Connor was with us. Next year he will be keeping up with the girls.

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