Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Beach Day

We recently spent a wonderfully relaxing day at one of our favorite beaches-Indian Rock.Sadly, it was so relaxing that I forgot to take pictures other than a few of Joe and L building a sandcastle. The weather was perfect, and I had a nice blanket to lay on, and a good book to read. And if I wasn't on the blanket I was chasing the surf with my family. Being in the moment sometimes hinders capturing the moment :-)

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