Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thinkin' Crafty

Joe and I are all about creative thinking and try really hard to provide toys, games, and activities that inspire L to not only solve problems but to experience the joy of creating. During the day  I try to do at least one or two craft projects with her that vary from creating a structured project to wild woman free paint. Sometimes it is baking cookies, and sometimes it is as simple as building towers with blocks.

Today we made egg carton ladybugs. I had a sample one made beforehand, then we each did one together with me giving instructions. Such as, "Make sure to paint all of it red", or "Now the eyes go right here below the antennas-make sure to use lots of glue." With the next two I took a deep breath, stepped back and let her do it on her own way. Sometimes I just couldn't help but say something like, "I think you missed a red spot." In which L would reply, "No, no red there." Or "Shouldn't your wings go the other way?" and again L would reply, "No Mommy, its an antenna hat." I would take another deep breath and remind myself it is ok for her to make her ladybug look however she wanted.

 The finished fleet of ladybugs

L's first ladybug made with my instruction.

 L's next two ladybugs made her way.

And the other craft extreme: Wild Woman paint morning.

These are the best blocks. L got them as a gift from her friend Derek and they are her absolute favorite, as she will sit down and build with them for a good 40 minutes. She really does not like me to bother her when block building and will quit if I offer up suggestions. This is good for both of us-I be quite and she creates.

Recently we have noticed that L has been really into putting everything into categories. This is a three prong tower set that has three different types of blocks. L hasn't figured out that she can stack them in a descending order, however, does separate them by shape.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed by how much art and projects you guys do! I always aspire to be more creative but it generally falls flat. I love the wild woman painting. It looks like so much fun! Where'd you get the stamps?
