Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The first week isn't a predictor, right?

Oscar being jumped off of by a 7 month old L

So far our first week into 2010 has been less than optimal. What's that you say? We have only been in 2010 for four days? Well that is encouraging, here is to the next three perking up!

I warn you Debbie Downer is about to hit blogspot.

After ringing in the new year with celebratory style and good friends we found out that Joe's grandfather passed away at 12:35 am. Joe obviously felt grief stricken, but even more so with the knowledge that his father was on his way up to say goodbye and didn't make it. Then within an hour Joe became sick, I mean very stomach sick. (I know what you are thinking and it wasn't an early hangover). From 1:30 am in the morning on Friday the first till 6:00 pm on Sunday the third the most Joe was able to consume was about ten crackers, and a few glasses of sprite. For the first 14 hours he wasn't even able to hold down water.

By Monday, today, things looked to be on the up and up. Joe was well enough to go back to work, and the car parts for our Jetta finally (after nearly 2 months of waiting) arrived. I was very excited at the idea of getting the Jetta back, and selling the third vehicle (although am extremely grateful that my fender bender happened prior to the sell of the third vehicle). Joe and Linnea quickly got to work on fixing my car.

The radiator got cracked in the fender bender and when Joe went to move a piece of it the radiator began leaking. Just a tad of a puddle, but still a tad puddle of anti freeze. Around that moment Joe realized he needed to run to Napa for one small but important item. Joe declared that the garage must not be entered by Linnea or either of our cats. He emphasized, "DO NOT LET THEM INTO THE GARAGE AT ALL! ANTIFREEZE IS DEADLY!"

I of course agreed and off he went. Linnea began entertaining herself and I began trying to get things picked up. I got lost in what I was doing and opened the door to the garage to grab a ziplock bag from the shelf right by the door. A few minutes later Joe arrived home and went straight the garage. At which point I heard a shriek of horror!

Our beloved Oscar Cat. Our perfect pet, our best pet ever, our pet that is in every way part of our family. Our cat that is irreplaceable because they just don't make cats like him was in the garage licking the antifreeze!

Within minutes I was in the car driving Oscar to the emergency vet clinic which thankfully is down the road. I get Oscar out of the car and "SNAP" his carry case handle breaks and he is dropped upside down into a puddle!

They take him immediately, and with a warning of a hefty vet bill I am promised a full recovery. I will take the bill if I can get the recovery, I LOVE that cat.

Well, the vet just called and Oscar is doing OK. His potassium is low which is a sign of a kidney failure the cause of death from antifreeze. Also, he has been responding badly to the antidote-in and out of consciousness and acting dizzy. The vet still seems to be optimistic. He said the response to the antidote is a possible side effect, and the low potassium could be unrelated. The vet said that because Oscar was treated so quickly that he really doesn't think anything will be wrong. We are currently waiting on a few more test to know for sure.

I am not really superstitious but I am really hoping that this is not a foreshadow of what is to come in 2010. It can't be, right?

As Corrie Ten Boom said "Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.""

So here is to trusting our God with whatever 2010 has to bring!

Some happiness in L the mechanic pictures.

Explaining to me that her tools are out so she can help dad.

Examining the damage intently.

Giving her prognosis.

Listening to instructions.

So she can get busy at work.

"No need to worry folks I think I got it under control."

"But I will need you to remove that camera. "


  1. Oh my GOSH! How scary. I hope Oscar is okay. I don't blame you, so far 2010 isn't looking so good.

    Wow, I had no idea they had anti-freeze antidote. But that stuff kills FAST! Good for you for taking him so quickly.

    On the plus side, those pictures of L are absolutely adorable. Please tell me you scrapbook and can put these beautiful pictures in a book for her?

  2. I am so sad! My heart is breaking for you. I hope he makes a full recovery. That Oscar is not only a wonderful cat,but he is so kind and gently with everyone, including my little tot! Let me know how it goes. Oh, and Connor has those same Elmo slippers. They are so adorable!

  3. I think you are going to have a wonderful 2010 - God was just getting the rough stuff out of the way first. L the Mechanic - I love it.... Go Girl!
