Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas 2009

This year we had a wonderfully relaxing Christmas with just our small little family. The weather was sunny and a little crisp, so we made it a "Cali" Christmas and spent as much time as possible outside.

We started with a Christmas Eve walk at the nearby tree farm/walking trails park. It had been awhile since we had been there but L did not seem to forget a bend in the trail. Especially where the foot bridges were located. Afterward, we came home listened to Christmas music, made cookies and drank hot chocolate. We celebrated the last night of advent with our family before putting L to bed. Then Joe and I cuddled up on the couch to watch "Elf".

So happy to back here walking.

"I so remember this place"

Someone remembered the footbridge and was anxious to get there.


Both people not to happy about me slowing them down with pictures. But they smiled nonetheless.

The happy bridge dance.

And I quote, "WOW! River!"

Lots of giggles while talking about the happy river, and the happy bridge.

I was even able to convince her for a rare photo of mommy and daughter SMILING photo.

We sort of had to pull her away from the bridge and river.

Not to happy to leave.

But soon perked up, because she knew...

Once at home it was Christmas cookie time!

The next day we woke up to a very bright, sunny Christmas morning (so bright it was actually hard to take pictures). L, not knowing what she was waking into, slept in and so did her parents. Once up we, the parents, got to relive the joys of Christmas through a child. It was probably the best Christmas either Joe or I could remember. What a joy to get to re-experience all the best parts of childhood.

L thought her stocking was pretty cool.

Especially after she found an Elmo in it.

But soon the stocking took second place as L got to play Santa Claus and bring each of us a gift to open.

All was going quite well till she opened this box from Mirmar. Then all present opening had to come to a halt so...

L could rock and...

Feed her new baby. She insisted all the pieces be put together before anything else could be opened. The privileges of being the first and currently only child.

After a lazy morning playing with our new toys we thought the day was too nice to stay inside. So we packed a picnic, and headed to P-towns favorite attraction.

L was in absolute awe.

It was pretty cold, freezing actually, in the Gorge at the falls, but we walked to the top bridge. L kept her eyes glued to the falls and whispered up the walk "pretty waterfall." Sadly the top bridge was to icy to actually go on.

Right as we were leaving I threw the camera at Joe, grabbed, L and ran back yelling "Wait, I need a picture of L and me!"

A very cold Joe obliged with two pictures even!
We then headed to the heat of the car for our picnic.

I forgot the cups.

Merry Christmas :-)

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