Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Two! Our little baby girl is already two! I must be getting old because it does feel just like yesterday she was born. The baby stage really doesn't last forever, and kids really do grow up to quickly! (Oh crap, I am sounding like an old lady in a rocker. But you know I am finally starting to see that the elderly really are wise. I guess that means my youth is truly gone.)

L is the perfect little girl for us. There are no words to explain the emotion we feel for her, and there was no preparing that could of gotten either of us ready for the depth of that emotion. L's antics makes us laugh continually. She reminds us of the joy each day has to offer. We are just so, so proud of our precious, wonderful girl.

Flash back 2 years ago:

Our precious brand new L, ah.

Our first picture as a family.

Has it really been 2 years since these were taken?

Flashback 1 year ago:

The birthday girl, probably trying to hide from her cake.

So cute, with barley enough hair for a bow.

Our happy girl.

She still looks like a baby one year ago. How is she already a little girl? I love my girl, but this is making me miss my baby!

Look at her this year eating cake and wearing real pigtails!

I mean really eating her cake. This is quite the change from last year and most of the months that followed.

Her pigtails make her look so grownup. Honestly, I though she was going to be bald and toothless on her second birthday. The hair came in, and the teeth are about half in.

L spent the afternoon after her party playing with her babies, and

Even better playing with her Mirmar.
(more pics of her party to come, but they are currently on a friend's camera)

Then on her actual birthday we had a much needed relaxing day in P.J.'s and playing slowly with new toys. We decided to let L open one gift every few hours instead of all of them at once. It worked out really nicely as she truly got time to play with and enjoy each new thing without feeling overwhelmed.

She really got how presents work this year. Obviously a gift from Dad. Joe has L be his helper when he is working on projects, so she got her own tools. L was very proud.

Stirring and cooking on the couch. L loves being a kitchen helper too.

Very excited and saying "MY BIRTHDAY!"

Blowing out the candle.

Then digging in!

Right after cake, and perfectly timed, L opened her "Dancing Dress" and "Dancing Shoes".

Of course they immediately went on as did the "Oh-Oh Song" (Single Ladies, L's favorite)

This dancing queen has some moves!

You go Birthday Girl, burn that cake off!

Shows us what you got!

Wow, you got song too! (Stopping to sing the "Oh-Oh" part)


  1. Wow, looking at that tiny little Linnea picture it's amazing to see her progress. She really is quite a little lady now.

    You know Imaya, there is a cure for missing your baby...it's called having another one!

  2. I can't get over what a teeny tiny baby she was! And look at her on her 2nd birthday! Amazing! She is a beautiful little girl with a grown up heart! Such a little lovey! A real testiment to the adorable parents raising her!

  3. Oh dear, don't know what happened. But that anonymous person is me. I thought I signed my name in....It just me Amy, not some blogger stalker, I swear.

  4. CUTE!!! Happy Birthday Linnea! The years fly... way too fast, don't they? But you are enjoying every second of every day with her, and that's what's important. Great job, mama!
