Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ornaments, Ornaments, Ornaments!

I am not really sure why but outside of a pink Hello Kitty bell I never had much of an interest in Christmas ornaments. Until, I married Joe that is. Joe installed in me a some what crazed obsession. A craze that I hope to pass on to L. When we got married I had my pink bell, and Joe had a small box of his own ornaments. I wasn't too interested any of them, since I had big plans for a tree that would make Martha Stewart proud. Joe very stubbornly vetoed my Martha Stewart tree and took me ornament shopping. I instantly fell in love with a blown glass rubber ducky wearing a Santa hat, and like that I said goodbye to Martha and HELLO to the wonder of ornaments.

Because I just figured out how to take up close ornament photos in low light I thought I would share a few.

The Bell

The duck that started the crazed obsession.

Currently my favorite ornament. Lucy going thru the wardrobe. I like it so much that I over look the fact that Lucy of the books has yellow hair.

L's current favorite ornament. She picked out Abby Caddaby this year, and hung it near the bottom center of the tree. She greets her Abby ornament each time she enters the living room.

A few of Joe's many ships, he has been working on gathering together a fleet.

Apple Dumpling. A lot of my ornaments are of this caliber.

L has really been enjoying Joe's nutcrackers. If they are within her reach she lpets their beards, so far only one beard causality that was quickly remedied with a hot glue gun.

L's first ornament. Joe and I had a lot of fun picking this out.

I really want to post a picture of all my ornament loves, but fear it may be a bit self indulgent. Really every single one of them is quite worthy of admiration.


  1. Love it! I'm like you, I didn't have the ornament love until I had my own family. Now, I just dropped an unholy amount of money because "Oh I like this one! And this one! And this one too!"

  2. I LOVE this idea and may steal it for my own blog-- I have favorite ornaments too, and mine also started with my marriage b/c growing up my family was Jewish and had no tree. Thanks for the inspiration!
