Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Meet Joe Bear

The other day L decided that each of her bears must wear a diaper. She was quite concerned that they might make a poo-poo or pee-pee without one. When I asked her if they could use the potty she said, "No, baby bears." L's Abby Cadaby doll is often sitting in L's potty, where L claps and cheers her on to make a poo-poo. ( According to L Abby is not a baby. However a few times I have also found Abby wrapped in a diaper.) As you can guess we are doing a lot of potty talk in this household.

After each bear was properly diapered L decided that they were cold and needed to wear clothes. She thus produced an outfit for each bear, hats and shoes included.

Making sure that all their attire is properly placed.

She put on a hat and joined the bear gang.

I asked, "What is this bear's name?" Without missing a beat, "JOE BEAR, JOE BEAR!" She calls Joe "Daddy Joe."

This one is "Ducky"

"Joe Bear walking, walking, Joe Bear walking."

"Yellow Bear" got to ride the horse.

Lined up all her bears for "Bears hold hand!"

L joined them to "read" a book. She has started "reading" non picture books, sometimes.

But soon it was replaced by "Once Upon a Potty". I wouldn't say this is her favorite book, but it utterly fascinates her.

She stares at the pictures that show poo-poo/pee-pee the longest, and often makes comments. "Uh-oh! Poo-poo floor."


  1. I love that she puts clothes on her bears. It just shows how observant she is to notice such things. I must say though, her bears were VERY well dressed. I think you have a little fashionista on your hands.

  2. This is just tooo cute Imaya! I love Linnea's spirit! Just too cute!
