Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This morning the sun came out! Let me say that again, THE SUN CAME OUT! The sun has been hiding for quite awhile now, and is already back to hiding. But for those brief hours of sun I honestly could not of been happier. So I loaded L into the car and filled our morning with sun, ducks and an outdoor play park.
I brought my camera hoping to capture a few cute pictures of my darling in the sunshine. However, my darling found my camera to be rather annoying. When looking at the ducks I mostly just got the back of her pigtails, and the few brief moments when she gave me the "Please leave me alone mom, I am looking at ducks" look. Then at the playground I sacrificed a minor concussion to get a couple rare smiling pictures. But mostly I was just foiled, as she would turn her head or grimace if she saw my lens peaking her way.

L sees the bridge and points to where the ducks are.

L runs to the bridge where the ducks are.

L glues herself to the bridge to view the ducks.

And glues herself for a good fifteen minutes as I call her name in vain, longing for her to look up at me so I can take a cute picture.

She finally looks up! And I get the "look".

That is alright L, you just go back to looking at the ducks. I will wait.

Yes! She has moved on to the playground I will get a good photo here!

Mom, seriously stop with the camera already.

Hmm, if I ignore Mom maybe the camera will go away.

Nope, Mom is still trying.

AH-HA! My persistence has paid off, there is a smile, L and I got it!!!!

And that one too! YES!

Um Mom, are you Ok? I think that was a pole you just walked into.

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