Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ten Things

My Mommy Group friend Jessica Jordan said that anyone who follows her blog (see a Little Jordan Family on blogs we follow) was tagged to write ten things about them. So consider yourself tagged too!

1. I really like to bathe/shower. I love the feeling of being clean, and I love being emerged in really hot water. I generally take a shower in the morning and a shower or bath at night (umm, yes there have been days when there may be a third shower but I usually have good reason). The morning one is for the purpose of clean and the night one is for relaxing.

2. I despise clutter and have a "if it hasn't been touched in a year it is out of here" mentality. With that said our garage is a thorn in my side. The garage is Joe's and a while back he did let me go through and purge it (I didn't touch tools or anything of the like). It looks worse than it actually is and and I can technically park on my side. Nonetheless, it still makes me cringe so much that I tend to park in the driveway so I don't have to walk through it.

3. There is a part of me that is very much a geek. I like math and sometimes do it for fun. I could very easily be a gamer. If I am honest probably my two favorite genres of books are science fiction and fantasy-no I don't dress up nor do I speak any made up languages. I listen to NPR and BBC-I guess that is more of my very apparent nerd side.

4. I generally hate chic flicks, and romance books. I am sorry but an obsessive, stalking, needy vampire is not romantic nor is it love (I am open to hearing arguments for Edward Cullen). I am not sure if there is a more boring movie than "Sleepless in Seattle" and pretty much every other Meg Ryan (except "When Harry Met Sally"), or Sandra Bullock film. With that said, I love "Pride and Prejudice" and a few others. I am still a girl after all.

5. I watch about 30 minutes to one hour of T.V. a week. I am really not trying to be one of those annoying people who pridefully say, "I never watch T.V." But honestly, I get really board and sort of depressed feeling if I watch more.

6. The diamonds in my ring are conflict free. Right before Joe and I got engaged National Geo did a huge cover article on the diamond wars in Africa and how they are attached to most if not all diamonds sold in the US-thanks to DeBeers having the monopoly. We both did not want the ring that represent our marriage to be attached to children loosing limbs and people stuck in slave mines.

7. I can't spell. I have always been a strong reader (around 98% reading comprehension), but if my life depended on a spelling bee I would pretty much be dead.

8. I love mornings and love waking up hours before I am suppose to have some good me time (usually that means devotions, yoga, and whatever else I want). I am the most productive in the mornings, and generally wake up cheerful.

9. I am not a detail person. I can see all the little steps in the big picture, and am really organized. But when it comes to those little things like typos, or spelling, or cutting a strait edge I am not the person you want.

10. I am cat person. I think cats are a zillion times better than dogs.

Flashback Pictures for fun

Joe and I dating in college

Our first Christmas

My little sis and I back in our younger days

My mom and I pre-Joe college days

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