Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Claire!

It is crazy to think that a year a go we were all sitting in our birthing class wondering where Amanda and Erik were when Erik walks in wearing a hospital wristband! We still had two classes left to go, but precious, little Claire decided to make her appearance three weeks early!

I have often wondered what this year would of been like without the Pettit family in our life, and I honestly can't imagine it. Sharing the experience of first time parenthood with them has been an enormous blessing. Having Amanda only a short (and now shorter) drive a way, and knowing that if I need a mommy to share a mommy crazy with she was always available to talk kept my mommy sanity. But the best part of it all has been watching Claire and Linnea grow together, and expereincing them learn the joy of playing with each other. L and Claire-Bear BFF!
(Thanks, Judy for the pictures)

The Pettit Family

BFFs for life!

L trying to steal Claire-Bear's cracker

Party Time!

Claire getting a Birthday kiss from baby cousin Sheldon


  1. This posting is so sweet I can barely stand it! It literally makes me get teary eyed...sniff sniff. You guys have been a huge blessing to us as well! I think often about what you told me about us meeting and fate often...so true! Love you guys!

  2. I totally remember that night at birth class too! Erik was so nonchalant about it that the teacher did not even understand what he was saying ... that Claire was BORN! How did I get so lucky to stumble into the COOLEST birth class EVER???? I can't believe our babies are turning one, starting to walk, and eating everything in sight. We have had one amazing year. See you tomorrow to sprinkle Amanda with gifts for the next round of baby fun!

  3. Yeah for the BEST birthing class-if not for the instruction most definitely for the people!
