Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Perfect Day

 (Sorry for the formatting and pixelated images.  Blogger is acting strange and I am not sure how to fix it.)

Yesterday was a perfect day.The weather hit 70* and SUNNY! The first time it has been 70* in almost 9 months, and oh GOOD GRACIOUS did we ever need the feel of warm sun on our skins. Upon going outside Linnea exclaimed, "I AM NOT COLD! I am warm!!! Mommy, I AM WARM! Is it summer now?" Alas poor L, it was only a day as today was back to the ubiquitous 50* and relentless rain. Nonetheless when you live here you relish every moment of a day like that so relish we did.

The morning started out with L and I starting our confetti eggs (Thanks Jen Allen for the inspiration!) while Joe caught up on some much needed sleep.
Patiently waiting for the tabs to dissolve.

She started off being so careful.

Then she discovered how much easier a hand was.

Which led to the end of the useless wand        

Dunking with just a couple of fingers at first.

But soon it was the whole hand(s).

While Joe was drinking his coffee and we were discussing how to spend the glorious weather L suggested the zoo. It was a bit late to get a parking spot but we brilliantly thought to ride the train in. The free parking garage is only one stop from the zoo, plus we were able to make the day even a bit more special for our train loving girl.

However, prior to leaving L put together a rather odd but cute zoo outfit. I tried getting her to wear something a bit more zoo appropriate and a tad more contemporary but she was adamant that this was her zoo outfit. I tried getting a cute picture of her smiling before we left but....
"Eyes closed smile!"

"Angry face"

"Tongue Smile"


"Elephant Ears"

After a very crowed, but yet still fun train ride we made it the zoo. As stated many times before L has a lot of Joe's personality, and at the zoo they both really like to spend A LONG  time observing one animal at a time. This leisurely slow pace actually worked really, really well for my very pregnant self that can only move in a slow waddle and likes lots of stops. Plus, the sun was out, and it was WARM so I actually refrained, most of the time, from trying to rush them.

Pretty much what every picture at every animal would of looked like. This is during the extensive elephant observation.

L living the dream and driving the beloved zoo tractor.

Really, don't let the clothes fool you-this girl LOVES machinery.

We got home, L took a long late in the afternoon nap, Joe did homework, and I got a PEDICURE (thanks, Amy!) We finished the perfect day with a BBQ and filling our eggs with confetti.
Confetti filled.
And covers glued.


  1. Confetti eggs! What a great idea. I love the image of waddling around the zoo. That's become a tradition for us. How much longer?

  2. So fun! I love confetti eggs, and my kids look forward to them each year. A bit messy, but fun. We picked up the tradition in Texas when Maddie was born. I have fond memories of waddling through the zoo two days before Maddie was born. . . it can only help, right!
