Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch: Starring L

Last Friday Joe got off early, the weather was perfect, so we abided to the fall tradition calling our names and headed to the nearby pumpkin patch.

It started with a very happy L ridding in a hay wagon pulled by a tractor.

Still in the wagon, just spotting the large field of pumpkins. But really the only reason this picture is included is because it is one of the few moments captured where she looks like me.

The getting out of the wagon, tongue out picture made me laugh.

And she is off!

Her first order of pumpkin business was to sit on one and....

Tell Daddy to come here, and for me to take their picture.

However, that lasted a moment because something rather grand caught L's attention.

Pumpkins made into an "A", as demonstrated by her "A" stretched arms.

We actually spent a really long time at the pumpkin "A". She was so happy about finding it.

After much convincing she decided it was time to leave the "A" and find the perfect pumpkin.

This of course took a lot of concentration and a lot of thought.

For you must tap the pumpkins.

And of course test out their sitting potential.

And of course thoroughly examine them.

But then it was spotted!

L's perfect pumpkin.

Explaining to Dad why it is the perfect pumpkin.

The hay wagon was on its way back and I tried getting a picture of us together, but....
But L's deep love of tractors foiled my plan.

Soon we were back at the main part of the farm and L showed of her new adventurous self.

The self that now goes down most slides without prompting.

We then visited L's self proclaimed friends, the goats. 

But even the goat visit was short lived as L spotted a new bus of middle schoolers and was mesmerized by their athletic prowess. 

She watched them in awe for a long, long time.

Sometimes she would smile sweetly to herself at their antics.

At other times she seemed  perplexed by them, but they were middle schoolers so that is reasonable. 

And then she felt she absorbed enough of their hay maze wisdom and was off running.

She ran, and ran for quite awhile, but then once again got distracted by the big kids and "WHACK" right in to a hay bale.

Which led her to pull out some hay that led to a lengthy and engrossing discussion on the purpose of hay and its difference from straw. She wanted to know.

We ended with the classic "I went to a pumpkin patch" photo.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT pumpkin patch pics!!! I love every one of them. You have such a beautiful little family.
