Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Some Random L

Tonight at dinner:
Joe: "L you are smart."
L: "I am not Smart I am a princess."
Joe: "You are a smart princess."
L: "No. Smart is my doctor. I am a princess" (L's doctor is named Dr. Smart.)
Me: "Wow L, good memory."
L: "I am going to be a doctor and help babies. And build purple airplanes. No I will build rainbow airplanes. YES! I be a doctor, help babies and build RAINBOW airplanes!"

On the car ride home from our AWESOME hike on Mt Hood (post with pics to come) I told L, for the first time, an elaborated, altered version of the 3 Bears. When finished she asked for another story, and I told her I would help but it was her turn to tell me a story. So I started, "Once up on a time" and with asking her some questions she came up with a story about cooking a blue egg and eating it with a cheese tortilla. I know, not that interesting. But she kept going and for the next 45 minutes she kept telling us stories-all beginning with "Once upon a time" . A couple of my favorites:

This one is not a direct quote as Joe and I asked question like "what is the girls name, what are her friends names, what did they do etc.

"Once upon a time there was a girl named Princess. Princess played with her two friends, Kaiah and Amy. They played games and then went to Costco to look at toys and eat."

Another favorite which is almost a direct quote because by this time she needed very little questioning.

"Once up on a time there lived a lady bug. A red lady bug with black spots. Ladybug lived on a flower. Ladybug's friend Princess Bear would come over and they would have coffee."

All her stories after this were mostly about Ladybug and Princess Bear. Her stories entertained us all for the rest of the car ride home.

Some more randomness.
On the car ride up there was a dark green convertible Miata. L pointed to it a exclaimed, "The green car, up there, that is my NEW car! That is my NEW car!" They happened to be going to Timberline too and whenever we saw them she would say it again. We all happened to be walking into the lodge at the same time so I told the women of L's love for their car. They were so sweet and said they hoped we all got back from our hikes at the same time so they could let her sit in it.

Before we left our house L was lying on her tummy coloring, and told us "Look, I am coloring in the lines." And sure enough she was very precisely coloring in the lines. I will take a picture of her doing it next time. 

Recently we were celebrating Joe's birthday dinner at PF Changs where L  upped both of us with her chopstick eating skills. Yes, she had the kiddie pincher on her chopsticks but that didn't seem to help me. She ate her whole dinner with her chopsticks-even the rice!

L will only drink out of a "Fancy Glass" (AKA wine glass) at dinner. Luckily she is very coordinated and careful. 

We adore this kid.

1 comment:

  1. Fancy Glass! Love it! You've got quite the sophisticate :)
