Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Easter was a dismal spring day in the NW. However, with a two year old egg hunts inside are every bit as fun as ones outside. So we woke L up early, fought through her " I would rather be sleeping" with wonderful tales of an Easter Bunny visiting. Then sugared her up with the wonders of pink peeps, and let her loose to find all the eggs that messy Easter Bunny dropped.

Then we managed to all get spruced up and out the door in time for the very early 9 am service at church (you must remember that L normally sleeps till 9 am). At church we happily sat next to our little "clan" who's daughters just so happened to be wearing the same dress as L. Not sure how that happened :-)

Then we all rushed out that church door to make it back to our house for the 5th Annual Easter Brunch. It started with just us and the Langs, and has since grown to 13 adults, 3 matching little girls, and lots of good food.

Trying to figure out what these pink birds are doing in her basket

Then Daddy explains, "These, Little L, are one of God's many Easter gifts. Just try a bite my dear."

"Oh, Good Gawd, this must be what heaven taste like!"

Now Little L it is time to find all those eggs the messy Easter Bunny dropped. They look like the one in your basket.

If you open them you will find....L then whispers in awe, "Shalk-O-Lit"

Immediately she begins searching for more eggs, and checks to make sure that the wonderful "Shalk-O-Lit" is in each one.

Soon, her basket is full and the child could not be more happy.

So she cracks an egg open and begins the inevitable.

Spruced up and ready for church.

The three matching Easter Girls (Eva almost a year, L a little over 2, and Ashlynn 9 weeks)

The two Accidentally matching Dads.(Joe 29, and Ryan 28 :-)

The very rare family photo taken as our last guest were literally walking out the door when I thrust my camera in their hands.

And that is all the photos I have, cause once the brunch actually started I completely forgot to take a single picture.


  1. Looks like you had a fun Easter! I LOVE Linnea's dress! Great family pic too!

  2. My kids love to have egg hunts all year. In fact, they had one just the other day. They shove all kinds of lil' things in those eggs and I find them all over the house days later! :-)
