Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Candyland-sort of....

Playing a game with a two year old is rather interesting, for rules and goals only apply as much as it makes sense to the two year old. I have a very clear memory of being six and trying to teach my two year-old sister how to play Go-Fish, at which she changed the rules to I give her a card, she gives me a card, over and over again. When I told her that wasn't how we play Go-Fish she told me that we weren't playing Go-Fish but Cheerio. I think I  told her Cheerio was a dumb game and walked off in a huff. 

L loves her games, and all but one (that will be another post) has L changed rules. For Candyland L plays all four gingerbread people by matching each card with it's picture on the board and then placing the gingerbread person on top of that. She picks up a card looks at it intently, then the board, and says something like "Green square, green square RIGHT THERE!" then places the card on the boards green square and moves a gingerbread person right on top. She plays the game frequently and this is how she always plays it.

It looks like this....(Grandma Nut's card is right on her picture)

And this....

In the process of matching

The board gets to be rather a cluttered mess, and the ginger people are moved all around the board. However, they are only allowed to go on a spot that has been matched with a card.

Admiring and thinking about more cards and where to move the gingerbread people.

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