Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Life, Foiled by a 2 year old, and K's Senior Portraits

Last week was a bit of a roller coaster. The first half had Oscar hanging on by a thread. My sister arrived on Tuesday, we drove to Joe's grandpa's graveside memorial service on Wednesday (a beautiful and touching military service for a man who served our country and his family with pride and honor). We had the gang over for a fun game night on Friday (they are my sister's gang too). Joe's dad arrived on Saturday morning. Joe and his dad worked on the Jetta for the rest of Saturday-found out that after two months of waiting we were sent a wrong part to the Jetta. Sunday I stayed home sick while Joe and his dad took L to the zoo. Sunday night we had a great dinner with Joe's dad and my sister before Joe's dad left. Tuesday we said goodbye to my sister (L is still asking for auntie and Granddad). Today I had a great morning playdate with our friends (and got to hold the sweetest new born baby)  then watched our good friend Derek in the afternoon. By the time dinner was finished, the house was cleaned and L sound asleep our emotional and physical exhaustion caught up with us with a bang.

Now on to the photos:
Right before my sister left she wanted me to take a cute picture of her and L together. It was storming outside and the lighting inside was terrible. With very little light and trying not to use my flash I gave it my best go (this might be easier if I attempt photoshop for scenarios like this-someday maybe)

L, having skipped out on her nap and being 2, was very uncooperative to say the least. As a result the photos ended up looking like a sad attempt at high school senior portraits.

Attempt One: Kaiah smilling, L smiling as she tries to wiggle her way out.

Attempt Two: L has escaped so it is senior portrait time.

Which one for the year book?

She's back and still determined not to cooperate!

 "Hey L, can you smile?"

"Hey L, can you smile now?"
"No, I pick nose"

"Hey L, can you try to smile?"

"I KISS Kaiah!"


  1. I can't get over how much your sister looks like you in these photos! Must be her hair! So adorable are you guys! And then there is Linnea! What a doll face! I love her so~!

  2. You are an amazing photographer. Wish you lived closer, I would make you the official Warkentin photographer.
