Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stay-Cation Part Deuce

On Wednesday temperatures were still soaring at 106* so we decided to put our Mount Hood hike on hold and head back to the coast. We tried a different area and head south towards Lincoln City. Having never spent much time in that area we weren't really sure where or what beach to go to. However, by accident we found this great beach sort of hidden away in the middle of the town. Although Lincoln City was PACKED (took 45 minutes to go the last 6 miles to get there) this beach wasn't too bad. It was around 68* and foggy with a light mist. Linnea insisted that Kitty join us-we had left kitty in the car for obvious reasons and we were about halfway between to the car and the beach (a very short jaunt) when Linnea turned around pointed to the car and said "Kitty" then started walking back to get it. Both Linnea and Kitty enjoyed playing in the sand and had nothing to do with the water. Joe and I took turns playing in the water and filling up L's bucket.

In this picture she looks so much like my sister at this age.

Measuring cups from the $1 store are the best sand toy.

So happy at the beach.

Playing in the sand with "Kitty"

Kitty fared quite well and really wasn't that dirty.

L loves making "kissy" face

Thursday, Joe needed some time to get some stuff done so I happily packed Linnea up to use my 30% off coupon at Banana Republic and GAP. I found some great clearance sales and got Linnea and Joe some stuff at the GAP. And then indulged in a little me shopping at the Banana-oh wow it had been a long time! Linnea was trooper and helped in the dressing room by handing me things to try on. When we got home she eagerly demonstrated how to try on clothes to Joe. First she tried taking off the shirt she was wearing (I assisted) and then tried putting on a Baby GAP sweater I got her. Once on she showed Joe, and tried taking it off and putting on something else of hers. After her things were shown she then went for a shirt that she watched me try on earlier. She insisted to wear it so on it went. Linnea then got her baby "Molly" and a stroller and walked "Molly" around the house pretending to be "mommy". So cute!

Just got done checking herself out in the bathroom mirror.

Getting Molly in the stroller for a stroll.

"Out" L says as she points to the door.

"OUT" she says again as she contemplates how to get them all down the step.

But she manages and off they go.

Friday, the temperature had cooled down to the 90's * so we headed to Salem and went to the AC Gilbert Discovery Village. This is a hands on children's musuem in dedication to the man who invented the erector set. The museum consist of a "village" of 3 victorian style houses and a court yard of a GIANT play structure. Each room in the houses is a different activity. I think on the whole Linnea is probably a bit young for it, but she still had a good time and really enjoyed the bubble room, the grocery store and the miniature train set room.

Getting her hand painted

The results and it lasted for almost ten minutes.

Learning to make bubbles.

Quickly doing it on her own.

Looking at the inside of a giant mouth. "Teeth", she says

Waiting for the train after she just pushed the button, again.

Breaking herself as she goes around the corner of the dino slide.

Getting in position for doing some shopping!

Ready, Set, Go!

Trying so hard to weigh her apple.

Ready to check out.

Letting us know that it was a good day :-)

Stay tuned for the the last and best stay-cation day!