Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Mom Moment

Yesterday, while I was making Linnea's lunch of Mac'N'Cheese with peas, Linnea entertained her self with our cat Oscar. Oscar is a gentle cat who puts up with everything L dishes out, so no worries about our little lass getting scratched (L is actually extremely gentle with animals so no worries about Oscar getting beat up either). I had given L a snack to tie her over and noticed that the remainder of the snack was in Oscar's bowl and L was trying to give Oscar the dish. This has become a normal occurrence and about half the time Oscar will eat the food L shares. I often go to feed the cats (we have two, but the other prefers the great outdoors) and find raisins, juice boxes, cucumbers, and other various snack items in their dish. Anyway, I knew that "feeding" Oscar would entertain L for quite a bit so I used the opportunity to tidy up the kitchen while I waited for the noodle water to boil.

The kitchen was quickly getting picked up to the sounds of Linnea asking Oscar "more" on the other side of the counter by the glass door. Because I am now a mom I have eyes on the back of my head and was keeping an eye on things. Just as the water started to boil, and as I was about to pour the noodles in I noticed that the dish Linnea was holding was shiny. Uh-Oh, I thought and (here comes the mom moment) missed the pot of boiling water spilling noodles all over the floor!

What's up with the shinny dish you ask. That is the water dish, and as I saw the shinny metal I also saw a very large trail of water going from the kitchen to the sliding glass door. Linnea (and Oscar) were miraculously dry but the large long puddle was rather extensive. I grabbed a towel dried it up, swept the noodles (as well as got another box in the water) all the while L happily continued to play with Oscar and the empty water dish. She did take a break from Oscar to help clean up the water.

After all was clean and my nerves were a little less rattled I laughed heartily and took some pictures to document. (sorry about the back lighting, I didn't think to adjust the settings on my camera till much later and I have not even begun to attempt photoshop)

Oscar trying to be polite about the fact that L is offering him water from a dish that has no water left in it.

Oscar embarrassed for L that she is drinking water from a dish with no water in it. L on the other hand thinks she is showing Oscar how to drink water from a dish.

L telling Oscar that it is his turn and Oscar wondering how he can explain the no water equals no drink in a nice way that won't hurt her feelings or crush her spirits.

L giving up on teaching Oscar to drink and gives him a kiss instead.

L moving her attention away from Oscar (for I just told her lunch is ready), and Oscar relived that L is going, and looks longingly outside.

1 comment:

  1. So funny! Tyler has not tried to feed the cat yet, but he loves feeding our friends' dogs. This weekend, he was sitting in my lap while we all ate chips and salsa. He would eat a bite of chip, give the dog a bite, and then try to take a bite again (gross). I finally put a stop to that, and Tyler decided to get down. He was curiously watching us dip our chips in the salsa. He had a chip in his hand, looked around, and went over to a planter and dipped his chip in the dirt. Thankfully Matt caught it just before it went in his mouth. It was pretty funny though. :) Thanks for sharing your mom moment!
