Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fun day with our friend Derek

In our birthing class we met a lot of great people who later became good friends. One of these couples happened to be my good friend Jen and her husband Mike. Jen and Mike are in the same boat we are- that is they have lots good friends in Oregon but not the luxury of grandparents. Therefore, we all rarely go on dates because we are afraid of burdening people with babysitting (people who probably wouldn't feel burden, but you worry nonetheless). Recently, Jen and I had the brilliant idea to switch babysitting one weekend afternoon a month (we chose the afternoon so we wouldn't have to mess with bedtimes). Today was our first afternoon with the honor of having Derek over while Jen and Mike went on a date. Honestly, it was a blast having Derek and we look forward to doing it again.

We began our time with organic frozen juice bars.

Derek wasn't so sure about his so....

He decided to push it around instead

L on the other hand went right for the good stuff while making a good mess on her shirt.

After some time out in the yard we packed them up and headed for a walk to a near by park. (note the new green shirt L is wearing due to juice bar mess)

When we first got to the park Derek wanted to hold Joe's hand (so sweet!)

L on the other hand jut wanted to DANCE!

Derek soon saw the slide and said good bye to Joe's hand and...

Did what Derek is known for-CLIMBED!

He even climbed a little up the slide so he could sort of slide down it!

L watched with interest...

but then decided that she was to cool for the slide so she...

Headed towards...

Oops I meant ran towards...

L's new favorite park toy-the big kid swing. But she couldn't keep from watching Derek on the slide so....

Was soon at the slide asking for a turn.

A turn in which Daddy happily obliged.

Derek climbed back on the slide to congratulated L at the bottom

After a very long time taking turns at the slide...

L took off for the bars...

And Derek decided to give the tunnel a go

We then headed back home where the kids once again preferred outside play, but instead of playing in the nice yard, or with any of L's nice toys they mostly just....

(Yes, L is in another outfit-she spilt water all over herself on the way home)


  1. Maya- the pics are adorable. Thank you so much for watching Derek. You are all amazing. We are ready for our adventures with L!.

  2. So cool that you got to make friends with people in your birthing class. What a neat bond and especially since your kids are so close in age, that's really cool. Good for you!

  3. What a fun afternoon! Yes, that Derek is a climber. What a good idea on the frozen organic juice bars. The other day Tyler ate a whole cup of ice. Maybe I should upgrade him to something with a bit more flavor :). Loved the photo-story!
