Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Monday, January 10, 2011

Decorating the Tree

L happily showing off a favorite from Papa.

 This year was extremely fun in decorating the Christmas tree. L, not surprisingly, remembered the process with anticipation and excitement. We decided to change things up a bit by getting the tree the day after Thanksgiving, but waiting to decorate till the following day. We correctly thought that this would give us a much more relaxing, leisurely tree decorating experience than all the years past. The only snag was the day after Thanksgiving was bitterly cold, windy and wet, and although we nearly froze in the process we did manage to get the perfect tree. The next day we leisurely slept in, made a family breakfast of waffles, and then let the festivities begin!
While Joe grooved to Christmas Carols and got the lights up on our 12 foot tree L and I made homemade hot chocolate with whipping cream.

Sadly L HATES hot chocolate of all kinds and just had a cup of whipping cream.

She insisted to drink it by the tree.

"What is there something on my nose?"

After waiting very patiently we gave her the green light to start hanging!

We ended up with a lot of ornaments about this height. They were mostly all L's so we left them to her enjoyment.
She rearranged her ornaments a lot.
"I LOVE my beautiful tree!"

And she did, for the entire time it was up we caught her doing this. Rearranging her ornaments.

Her, "I just got caught" look.
And the, "I LOVE my Christmas Tree" dance.


  1. Oh my gosh... I know I say this like everytime so it's probably old by now but seriously Linnea is STUNNING. I really save these comments for children that are exceptionally beautiful. And she totally is! I LOVE her little hairbow.

    Also, the hot chocolate looked so inviting.

  2. She is so beautiful, and she looks so grown-up in these pictures. The shot of her licking the beaters is begging to be blown up and hung in the kitchen.
