Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Monday, November 8, 2010

This Moment

Right now there is a little princess having a tea party in her room. This princess has no idea that she is following the traditions of all the princesses before her. In this moment she is just experiencing all the wonder and beauty of being a little girl.


  1. Love this. She is such an awesome little girl. With an awesome mama.

  2. Absolutely adorable! One of the many many reasons having a little girl is so much FUN!
