Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where has my baby gone?

When does your baby quit being a baby? I don't mean that whole "once my baby always my baby" mom thing. I mean quite literally when did you notice your baby just didn't even look like a baby anymore. My friend Erin just did a great post on this (Erin has a great blog where she openly chats away her thoughts).

It is funny because when I look at Linnea I still see my precious little baby girl, but when I see other 18 month-olds I see cute toddling little kids. And although I know that other people probably see Linnea as a kid it hasn't really changed my stubborn perception of her. Until recently.

I was looking through some photos I took of her yesterday, and I couldn't deny it any longer she doesn't really look like a baby. I guess I shouldn't be that surprised since she is doing all the other things "kids" do- like eating with utensils, communicating, drinking from a cup, kicking and throwing balls, playing dolls, playing cars, coloring and so much more.

I am not necessarily sad that the baby phase is nearly over (hey, she is still in diapers and I am going to cling to that being "baby") but I am shell shocked at how quickly it leaves. I am excited for this new phase, and believe me, I am going to be clinging to every moment of it. Because I know that all too soon I am going to be writing a post about how Linnea is no longer a toddler but a full blown kid. Ok, I am seriously not ready to think about that yet!

Thinking about something "over there" probably Oscar Cat

Thinking about twirling (she thinks a lot before she "does")

Trying out the art of surprise on mom-hasn't learned you can't be laughing before you say "Boo!"

Singing and Dancing-and trying to get a some what annoyed but always patient Oscar Cat to join her.

A very tired L wearing matching pink Keens with Mirmar or as L says "MarMar"


  1. I was just thinking that of Emily today. I miss my baby girl! Never thought I would be one that would another child just so I could have a baby again. L is so very cute!

  2. It is pretty interesting how most everyone else can see your kid as a toddler before you can. I wonder why that is? Is it like how everyone ELSE notices when you've lost 10 pounds before you have? I don't know.

    I agree with you though on the diaper thing. If I still have to buy diapers, then I still get to claim that my kid is a "baby" :)

    Linnea is absolutely gorgeous! I think I look forward to her growing up just to see how pretty she is.
