Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Nature Walk

Linnea LOVES being outside, and although we spend a HUGE amount of time in our backyard we try to mix it up a bit. Therefore, I have started taking Linnea on nature walks at a near by wildlife reserve. I still bring The BOB, but it is rarely used for more than storage for the treasures Linnea finds. L is all about walking on her own, and let me tell you this kid is fast and can go a long time. This actually thrills me because I CRINGE when I see these huge 3, 4, 5 and sometimes even a 6 year old being pushed in a stroller. You would think that this would be a rarity in an outdoorsy minded place like Portland but it is not. I am constantly seeing these huge kids barely fitting in strollers they have clearly outgrown as there parents labor away at trying to push them. I am always like, "Seriously people, why is my 18 month old walking and your 5 year old in a stroller?" And we wonder about childhood obesity, sheesh! I promise I am not forcing L out of the stroller, she really, really wants to be out. She tries to unbuckle and says "Out, Out, Down!" till we let her go. It does make going on a fitness stroll for me a bit difficult though :-) Enough of my soap box and on to pictures!

This is the view of L I get for most of the walk

Every once in awhile she makes an about turn because she spies a treasure.

In this case it was a treasure of daisies.

Picking her daisy-this is serious business people!

Taking her daisy back to the Bob.

Putting it in the BOB.

There it goes.

Now she is off again! Till...

More Treasures are found.

And in they go too.

Oh wait there is a bridge! Must Run!

But slows down at the bridge to hear her feet stomp across it, but then...

It's back to running, until...

She realizes that gravel can be a treasure too...
I think you get where this going. Man, I wouldn't trade this time with her for anything in the world!


  1. The pictures of her in all those daisies are amazing. Like one of those Este Lauder ads that Gweneth Paltrow would be on or something. Gorgeous!

  2. She's a mover! She probably keeps you in shape just trying to keep up. I'm not sure anybody that moves that fast can be related to me :)

  3. She looks like she's so much fun!!! I love how it's the tiniest little things that grab their attention and get them so excited. It's sad that we lose that.

  4. totally! Tyler's favorite thing is to PUSH the stroller himself.
