Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I just wanted to clarify somethings from my "Pondering My Integrity" post.

1) The post was simply me dialoguing with myself on why I am choosing not to do something.

2) It wasn't pinpointed or directed or had anyone in particular in mind.

3) I believe that the people I know have a different view on pirating software than I do. From what I understand they don't view it as stealing and I can respect that and their use of the pirated software. If I used it would be wrong, because of my own crazy view that it may be stealing. I would therefore be intentfully stealing. For those who don't view it as stealing their use of it is not intentful stealing. Does that make sense? It isn't ok for me because I would be breaching my conviction. However, it is ok for another because they aren't breaching a conviction. They are doing it in good conscious whereas I would not be.

4) My section on why the high cost, or not being able to afford it, isn't justifiable for use of it was again me creating an argument for myself in why I still can't use it even though I can't afford it.

5) Since I have already passed the line of political correctness I am just going to be honest and say that I would feel more comfortable with being told, "I don't believe that it is stealing and therefore have no intent of purchasing it." Than, saying, "I can't afford it" or "it cost too much". They just seem like inconsistent/illogical arguments to me because they can't be generalized. There are a lot of things one can't afford or cost a lot but that doesn't mean use without payment is ok, right?

An exemption that I could disagree with but respect would be if your stance is that over priced product equals justifiable means of use of product without payment and you would do it in any situation that getting caught wouldn't be probable. I just would prefer that you said exactly that, "I feel that the price is too marked up, and since I probably won't get caught I have no issue with using it. I would do it with anything else if the opportunity was there."


  1. Uh oh... have people been leaving you not-so-nice responses to your post? I had someone tell me on a blog I posted a few years ago that if I'd made the baby shower cake for them that I'd made for my friend that they would throw it out the window because it was so ugly and unprofessional. People are just rude and mean sometimes and many are just looking for a fight. I think you did a great job on that post and have no reason to apologize. If someone's upset about it, it's probably due to their guilty conscience.

  2. I really hope people aren't being mean about your post. I admired your thoughtfulness and conviction in posting it, and I'd hate to see that people couldn't respect your beliefs and willingness to stand by them, despite temptation. The fact is, pirating IS stealing, the same way that plagerism is stealing. Some people may be able to justify it because of cost or whatever, but it's stealing. Stealing bread if you're hungry is still stealing. I'm guilty of lowering my moral bar to justify my actions and I admire that you won't cave even though you want something badly, can't afford a likely hugely inflated price, and wouldn't get caught or even judged harshly for it.

    I kind of want to shake people for you. Bah!
