Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Some of January and a tad of Feburary

My mom just pointed out that I haven't blogged in awhile, and honestly I had just forgot. January seems like a blur, but we weren't even that busy. We scheduled the last two weekends as family only weekends, and then we all got sick. Maybe the illness erased my memory but I was rather suprised by the photos on the memory card.

L has continued headstrong into the tutu phase and very rarely wears anything else-except for a "dancing dress" but I will save that for another post. Although I think she looks adorable  L does pick out the entire outfit most days. Hence the following photo-Yellow Hat, Pink Shirt, Kitty Boots, Red Tutu, and Polka-dot Leggings. I did insist on the vest.

And another one-I really could post one of these a day. The Owl shirt is a favorite, so is the dog purse. On this particular day she wanted both tights and legwarmers (baby legs).

On the potty front we started with a bang (a pee-pee in the potty to be exact) and ended in failure (a crying two year-old sitting on the potty begging for a diaper so she can make a poo-we gave her the diaper). After weeks of loving the potty she is now terrified of it. And will literally hold everything in for hours on end till she gets a diaper. She just turned two and we feel her being in control of her body is more important than being potty trained so we are dropping the issue for now.

Aw, back when the potty was a fun place to make a phone call and read a book. RIP

Our morning arts and craft time has become a morning favorite for L. She wakes up rearing to go, and often wants to start before she eats breakfast.

 Have I mentioned that L often responds like the Amish when I try to take a photo of her in artist mode. "NO PICTURE! I PAINT!" or "No picture, I draw!" ect. It is rather unfair to a mom that wants to document everything.

Occasionally I am on top of things and actually plan a craft project for L to do. I cut out the pieces, and then I show her how to assemble. We, her doting parents, have been rather impressed with how well she is assembling.

L likes to embellish and on this morning she embelsihed both our penguins (mine left) with glitter, belly buttons,and decorated snowmen hats.

The day before we made snowmen (mine left). She wanted a star for her tree, and some hearts for her snow.

On one of the evenings L was sick I set her with the Veggie Tales on my laptop while I made dinner. When I came in to check on her Oscar cat was sitting right next to her watching intently.

Of course I tried taking a few pictures of them at different angles.

Is that a good show Oscar?

I guess falling asleep answers that question.


  1. Oh my goodness, can she get any cuter??? I LOVE every picture!!!
    Don't stress about the potty thing- we have had our ups and downs with it too. As soon as we stopped pushing Kiley, she decided it was time on her own & potty-trained herself in just a few days!
    You have such a beautiful little girl!

  2. She is so cute! The potty training thing was my biggest challenge. It will come in time!
