Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ah, a relaxing Saturday

It seems this past year has been out of control busy. Between the end of August (2008) and mid-January (2009) we had one unscheduled weekend. We had a bit of breather but then by Mid February to the end of April we once again were out of open weekends. We spent most of May and early June hacking away at getting our yard done, but then our scheduled weekends caught up with us again. And honestly, it has all been things we have wanted to do or people we wanted to see, and we have enjoyed every minute of it. However, when this weekend rolled around with nothing scheduled we took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh, "Ahhh."

We spent the morning doing pretty much nothing. Joe and I had stayed up really late (1 am) last night (keep in mind Joe gets up at 3am M-F so 1am is very late for him) watching a movie. Linnea and I both slept in till 9am, and just spent the morning puttering and playing. Joe woke up around 11:30am and L soon took an early nap. We both spent L's nap doing some recreational reading. And then when she woke we headed out to Magnus Tree Farm.

Magnus Tree Farm is awesome. It is less than ten minutes away from our house and we had never been there before! We have known about it for awhile, but the name "tree farm" is very misleading. We were expecting, well, a tree farm-you know rows of trees. Honestly, I think we only went because we wanted to do something different. What a mistake! There are miles of hiking trails , natural springs, walking bridges, awesome views, cute woodsy cabins, meadows, and wildflowers galore. And the best part was we were the only people there! Couldn't believe it. I guess the name tree farm throws a lot of people off.

Linnea loved every minute. We didn't bother bringing her backpack or the BOB, and she walked (or ran) almost the entire way herself. She loved touching the trees and the plants (we were cautious for poison oak), she loved the flowers, and she especially loved watching the streams through the bridges. She even found a couple of benches that she climbed up on for a little breather.

We made it home in time to wash up and head out to our friends Mike, Jen and Derek's house for a wonderful BBQ. Where we spent the remainder of the evening in good conversation, and eating good food. Linnea and Derek even got there own little picnic table to eat at. I think this counts as a first dinner date, right?

L and Dad heading out

L taking a moment to touch a plant

Linnea thought the stream was the best thing ever, and it was really hard to get her to leave.

Trying to get the rare picture of L and I together. Sadly this is it.

Done with the steam and ready for something else.

I love wildflowers. Seeing foxglove growing wildly was a bit of shock when we first moved here. Seeing wildflowers in July is still of a shock.

L taking a breather on a bench she found. Behind her is a natural spring bubbling up.

Well, sort of a breather.

Peaking in a cabin.

Almost done, and finally done with walking.

And now at her first "dinner date" with Derek.

L found Derek fascinating to watch eat.

"Um, Derek I think your food is suppose to stay on your plate." (he did put it in a nice pile next to his plate, and put some on L's plate too)

See the pile next to Derek's plate, and notice now L's plate has a rather large pile?


  1. so cute! We love Magness... it is just so relaxing!

  2. You had the whole place to yourself? That's perfect!
    I love family weekends where you can just breathe a sigh of relief. They're so refreshing.
