Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A year without sleep in review...

Up until 5 weeks ago Hannah was averaging about 5-7 hours a sleep in a 24 hour period-as this blog has documented on more than one occasion. Generally she would wake every 1-2 hours and did not nap during the day. There were weeks at a time where I would get four to five 45 minutes increments of sleep a night. And like I said she NEVER napped.

It was horrible and I am very glad I took pictures, and kept up on her baby book because honestly I do not remember most of this past year. Seriously, I think back and it is just a blur with an occasional foggy memory. Recently I was looking through the photos I took  and more than once I would come across a picture and only have the vaguest recollection of being there, and doing that. It was oddly like flipping through another person's life.

Even weirder though I am finding strange sleep deprived things....like various stacks of thank you cards written but never sent, clothing items that I haven't been able to find for months in places like a potting planter on a garage shelf, a Christmas gift I had custom made from an Etsy shop but apparently left in the garage when I went in there for probably shipping material.

I am also starting to remember things that I forgot-Like last night as I was drifting off to sleep it occurred to me that I missed a friend's baby shower that I RSVPed to! It was an evite and I remember waiting for the evite reminder cause I couldn't remember the date, time or location. Because I thought I didn't get  a reminder I assumed the shower had been canceled. Not really sure where my logic was, but wait it gets worse. Around that same time I got what I thought was another evite baby shower invitation for another friend of the same name and same first initial of surname.  I even TOLD a mutual friend (who no longer lives in Portland so wouldn't of gotten the evite) that this girl was pregnant! Nope not pregnant...friend two of same name was not having a baby shower but a going away party! I some how mentally combined her going away party evite with friend one of same name's baby shower evite reminder. The puzzle pieces all lined up last night, but seriously how tired must I have been to get that so wrong?!  (HUGE apology card and gift will be going her way soon. I feel SO terrible about this. Probably should also apologize for pregnancy rumor to other friend-EEK.)

I am a bit afraid what other things will pop up, or what other things I forgot. I can only imagine how flighty I must of seemed to everyone. The fact that both kids are alive, and that we still did so much amazes me. What a sleep deprived year it was.

OH, but Wonderful Hannah is making up the year without sleep beautifully. In bed between 6-6:30pm, up between 5-6am, then a morning nap daily from 8:30-10:30/11:30 am, and then another from 3:30-4:30/5:00 pm. And this baby is insistent on her sleep schedule! Like clock work she lets us know she is ready for sleep-generally she gets her blanket and lays her head on it, although recently she also brought me her "Good Night Moon" Book too. If we are out and about she TRANSFERS as in doesn't even wakes when I move her from car to bed. Even if she is wide awake at nap time I just read her her book(s), put her in her crib and then she plays happily in there for about 20 minutes before going out.

The bliss of sleep, the bliss of productivity....the bliss of having a working brain.

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love your attitude! So happy Hannah (and her mama) is finally sleeping!
