Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Limbo Land

We are currently in limbo land-we know we will be moving in a few months but do not know exactly where yet. And I go to say it is a rather odd place to be.

We know that more than likely it will be Southern California with San Diego being our top pick (the majority of the grad programs Joe has applied to are in So Cal.) Joe's GRE scores are in the 99th percentile, his GPA is a 4.0 and he has excellent letters of recommendations. Also, he is applying to terminal master programs (meaning the school does not offer a Ph.D program in that field). With hopes of getting his Ph.D from a top 5 school, and the dream school being Berkley-the number one in his field, this is the best route to go. This route was suggested to Joe by three separate and very encouraging professors, and we both feel very good about this choice.

We also both feel extremely confident that God is leading us. This path has been God's from the beginning, and we continue to see God's miraculous hand. For example, Joe has been taking grad program required courses at Oregon State (his diploma will be from Portland State but they don't offer some of the classes he needs) but the final class he needs is full. He figured he would just have to take the class once he got into his masters program. However, the professor he has taken most of his Oregon State classes noticed that Joe wasn't enrolled and emailed Joe about it. Mind you, this professor is not teaching this specific class. When Joe explained to the professor the class was full (since Joe is not a student at Oregon State he has last priority for registering) the professor told Joe he would get him in. Within the hour Joe receives another email stating that they kicked out two other students who could take the class on campus SO THAT Joe could enroll. Unbelievable.

But things like this keep occurring, and we both find utter peace in them. It reminds us that God is with us and our God can and is moving mountains. Although San Diego is both our top pick-it has the program closest to what Joe wants to study, as well as my college roommate and close friend-we know without a doubt that if it isn't where we end up it is OK. We want to be in the place that God has planned not the place our limited understanding desires.

But limbo land is limbo land, and it is easy to slip. It is easy to start worrying about finding Elle the right school when school registrations are now and filling up fast or have a panic attack about leaving my happy, comfortable life to the unknown. But the moment I feel the slip starting I feel as though I have been caught. It is strange, for a peace surrounds me and I know myself well enough to know that it isn't coming from me. I am a planner and yet I am ok with this limbo land. I am one who dislikes physical change of my environment yet I am kind of excited for this new adventure. I believe without a doubt God will provided all things needed to get us there-he always has. I know that both of our hearts are to do HIS will above our desire and God is always faithful to that.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." -John 14:27


  1. This post made me smile (and not just because I love the idea of you guys closer to us). It's so true. I've been in limbo land and it's easy to slip, but ultimately it's all going to work out exactly how it's supposed to. And it will be AWESOME. Though I doubt it will ease your worries about Elle, we moved at a very bad time as far as kindergarten goes. Our local school, with fabulous ratings, within walking distance... Had TWELVE kindergarteners enroll the week before we moved. Totally random. So we got bumped to a school further away. That school has been such a blessing and I can't imagine a better fit for us! You're right, it's all in the plan and if we just trust that, life gets a whole lot less complicated.

    All that, but I also know the crazy that comes from not being able to address the logistics. You've got my number if you need to freak out for a minute:)

  2. lol Try being a military wife......limbo land is where I've lived the past ten years. :)
