Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Monday, March 21, 2011

Craftin' with My Girl

The letters for Hannah.
Today L and I had one of those lazy mornings that left us both in smiles. Lazy as in we weren't rushing to a playdate or a class-not very typical for us. We both slept in till 8 (rare for me, not so rare for L) enjoyed our breakfast and then productively started crafting. I had started making Hannah's wall letters the night before and really wanted to finish them and L asked if she could do a craft too. I told her of course and asked what she wanted to make. She thought for awhile, then brought me some ribbon and asked if I could glue it to make a bracelet. When I had done so she took it and told me she was going to make sparkle bracelets. I was quite impressed as the design was completely her own as I had never made ribbon bracelets with her nor does she own any. We chatted as we worked on our projects, and before either of us realized lunch time was quickly approaching. We both had completed about what we wanted to and L asked if we could do a tea time lunch. I thought it sounded like a perfect plan so while lunch was cooking L and I had had a splendid tea party in our pajamas and all. (She is now sound asleep napping, but I did promised her a nature walk to find birds when she woke).

Happily showing off the bracelets that she made. 

Checking out the beads on the necklace she beaded.

Don't let the face fool you. She sat in the corner, yelled "MOM, take a picture of my sad face!" and then ran off in glee.

Some headbands I made Hannah

Some clips I made L.
L's bracelets up-close.

Tea party time!

It wasn't the most sophisticated of tea parties, but then again we were also still in PJ's.

She loves her tea and milk, actually it is more like milk and tea.

Going for another glass. (She is quite good at pouring without spilling, yeah!)

Gulping it down.

It was a good morning indeed. Runny nose and all.


  1. I love when things are not rushed and you can enjoy moments with the girls! Spending quality time is what they are going to remember! Great Pictures!

  2. Lovin the hairbows. You make that look easy. Hannah's sign looked cute too, is there a better way we can see it up close? Maybe when you hang it on the wall :)

  3. I thought you said you weren't crafty?! Those letters are awesome, the headbands are adorable (I'm a sucker for the headbands, you know), and I kind of want you for my mom so I can have a tea party lunch. You really kick butt at this mom gig!

  4. So cute Imaya! Can't wait to see the letters up on the wall. Are Linnea and Hannah sharing a room? I'd love to see pics!
