Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Update in Pictures

I am having a hard time believing it is nearly mid October and I haven't really blogged since the beginning of August. Life has been in its typical full swing Fall busyness and strangely enough I have just not been taking pictures. I really don't know why, and I am really regretting the matter greatly as I can barley remember all we have done. There was a trip to our friend's lake house (no pictures), a few trips to the beach (no pictures), lots of parties and BBQ's (no pictures), a visit from my parents (like one picture of their entire visit), a few trips to the zoo and children's museum, countless park dates, and lots of playtime with friends. We have also started a few new activities including L being in ballet (no pictures yet), joining a woman's bible study at church, co-leading a small group at church, and joining a tot time group. So here are the few pictures of the last two months that I actually took. Enjoy :-)
There was a tutu party with Eva
It started off more or less normal.
 Then it got a little strange.

 Then the strange just took over.

We have done lots of arts/craft projects.

 A favorite being tracing/painting over words.

This inspired L to try writing her own words.

 So that she could paint over them.

 Attempting to write RAT she wrote the "a" first. Her little a's look more like the @ symbol.

 Thanks to a Dora episode L decided to build "The Lost City".

So that she could put her teddy bears in the "Lost City" and go on an adventure to find them. Just like Dora.

She also tried sharing my sister's dog, Mr. Peepers, bed.

 My mom, in one of the very few shots captured, also tried sharing Peepers bed.

 That looks more comfortable. And here are the thee pictures I took of their visit. Sorry Papa John apparently you didn't make the cut.

 See that tattoo on her arm? It was from the local police office and lasted 3 weeks! 
L's cheesy smile for the camera.

 L explored some new heights.
And even loss her fear of slides (and all playground equipment).

 We went apple picking and literally boiled in the unexpected heat.

 Luckily I had an extra short sleeve tee in the car for L, but she was wearing Costco version UGGS. Her poor feet were on fire. By the end the boots were off and Joe carried her.
We did a zoo trip with some of our favorite girls. Ella and L got really into the drums.
I mean really into them.

 Eva watched mesmerized by her older friends. 

 The girls excitedly climbed the big lion.

 Seeing where all this was headed Eva decided to eat a snack and step back.
L thought it was great fun, Ella wasn't so sure as she was the one being squished.

 While L stayed on the big lion, Ella moved to a smaller one that was all her own.

 Then we moved on to look at the Cheetah.

 But L had grander plans, ditched her friends and head straight to the Cheetah Jeep to do a little drive through the safari.

 After finally finding L neither friend was too happy about being ditched.

 But all was restored when L shared the steering wheel and let her friends drive.


  1. I always love catching up on your life through your blog! Thanks for the new batch of pictures. Linnea is getting so big & is such a doll! You're such a great mommy doing all those crafts with her. :)

  2. When did Linnea get so big? She's beautiful. I love the one at the top of the slide.
