Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Yesterday, after watching an episode of L's rarely viewed but greatly adored Dora the Explorer, L put on her little red backpack and informed me that she was going outside now to explore like Dora (Dora wears a backpack for those not in the Dora know).
I told her she needed to put on shoes first, and she told me she also needed a ponytail. A ponytail? That was rather random as Dora has a bob cut, and L has only had one previous ponytail. But ok I will go with it. So with a ponytailed head, shoes on, and backpack L went out to explore the backyard.

And Dora is off!

And it looks like Miss Dora just found a tree branch!

Now she is off again to go find the tree that  the branch came off of.

Nope, this doesn't look quite right.

But, wait she's got it!

"Mommy, the tree is RIGHT THERE! YEAH!"

What is that? More to explore over there! So excited to find....

Flowers that Mom has yet to plant in the  yard that desperately needs some spring time care.
Note that The Explorer picked her branch back up-it now has official treasure status.

Hold my branch Mom. I have so much more to explore! Like........

How to close this umbrella.

Or figure out how to reach  the yellow bird feeder.

Or strike sassy poses before I....

I grab a basket to collect treasures in and get......

Stuck on ledge with my basket.

And  then find your phone that you didn't realized dropped out of your pocket.

And play with my soccer ball.

You see Mom there is just so much for an Explorer to do.


  1. Oh my words, she is a-DORA-ble :)
    Elijah absolutely LOVES Dora the explorer and could care less that it is a girl who wears pink and purple. He goes around the house with his backpack saying "kak-kak" and singing the song.

    I love how she asked for a ponytail- my kind of girl!

  2. Dora is the best. Kiley's all-time favorite. She plays "Dora" all day long...
    Love the pics of your little Dora! So fun!!!
