Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Picking

This past weekend was a bit out of control busy. On Saturday I met a dear friend at Babys-R-Us to help her register, then I rushed home just in time for L and Joe to jump in the car to head to a very fun friends potluck dinner. We got home around 10:30 pm, rushed L through her bedtime routine and barely made it to bed before waking for another busy day. On Sunday we still made it to church, rushed home had lunch, rushed to Starbucks to meet "the Gang" for pumpkin picking (Eva was ill so the McConnells stayed home). Got home around 3 pm, put L down for a nap that she didn't take, frantically picked up the houses, put L to bed before 6 pm (she was beat and went to sleep immediately). Then Joe leaves to go to the guys football night at the Lang's, and the girls arrive at my house for some girl time. It was a whirlwind!

The highlight of the weekend was taking L to the pumpkin patch. She LOVED the pumpkins, wanted every single one of them, and happily tried to pick the pumpkins up to take home. But even better than the "ornge popkins" was getting to play with the goats. Linnea's entourage of adults all got quite a good laugh at her joy of "pat, pat, patting" them, and chasing them, and squealing with delight each time one came near her. L would of probably stayed with goats for hours, but we were able to get her out by promising that she could pet a baby chicken. L can't resist anything that has the word "baby" in front of it.

Off in the search for the perfect pumpkin.

Ah-HA! I found you!

What if I put my arms around like like this...

Maybe need to get them a little tighter around.

Hmm, picking up pumpkins isn't working. I need to think about this.

No pictures right now mom, I am thinking.

Ok, just one.

Hey look, GOATS!

Ha, ha, ha, Goats are the best!

Can I take this one home?

Part of the entourage watching on.


Baby Chicken distraction.


  1. L looks too cute!!!! Joe looks a bit dressed up more than usual for the occasion.

  2. Yeah, he sort of forgot to change out of his church clothes lol

  3. What a doll! I love her hat. It looks like a great time!

  4. I see Joe remembers how to hold a chicken. I guess it's like falling off a bicycle, you never really forget how :) I hope Linnea was paying attention!

  5. Very cute pictures! I love your running commentary, miss it when not there, like with the playdough
    -Grandma Deanie
