Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Friday, July 31, 2009

Stay-Cation Part 1

We have had a busy, busy year. So as Joe and I were planning our annual July vacation we both found ourselves longing for something very low key, lots of family time, and very, very relaxing. I am not sure how it got planted but the idea of staying home started to grow and become rather tempting. The idea of having the time to play as Portland tourists seemed like a blissful wish. A wish that we decided to grant ourselves, and oh, the bliss it has been!

We kicked off the vacation with our first trip to the Oregon ZOO to celebrate Joe's birthday. I am not much into zoos (thanks Rudyard Kipling for writing the poem "The Panther") but even I had to admit the Oregon Zoo is a good zoo and I had a surprisingly good time.
Linnea LOVED it! She quickly grasped the exhibit concept and would run to see the animals saying their name (or making their noise). We brought the BOB stroller but only needed to use it at the very end of the day. This kid can walk!

(On a side note Joe of course LOVED the zoo as we all knew would be the case. He also LOVED his traditional lemon meringue birthday pie with a graham cracker crust that I make every year. So did Linnea. Sadly, I do not like lemon meringue and felt rather envious.)

By the next day P-town became P-sizzle and entered in to a very rare and VERY HOT heatwave. Luckily we were already planning on going to Ecola State Park for a day at the beach (Portland is about 70 miles from the coast). Apparently, our idea was not original and all of the greater Portland area was there as well. As a result parking was nearly impossible and the beaches were packed so we ended up doing a 2.5 mile (round trip) hike to a beautiful, quite beach. I must admit I felt a bit like the Griswolds. I had the beach umbrella slung across my back, and a beach bag filled with towels, blankets, and sand toys across my shoulder. Joe had Linnea, snacks, diapers, water bottles, and every other thing one would need spilling out of our Kelty backpack. The rest of the hikers were wearing traditional hiking gear. At one point a kind hiker man asked us, "So, have you ever done this hike before." "No", we replied. "Um, good luck. It gets rather steep at the end. Just a warning you may have difficulties getting down with, um (cough) all your gear." He and his friends quickly passed us and we trekked on. We made it down, and decorated the beach with its only blanket, umbrella and sand toys. The hiker man walked by and said "well done" And then we let L out of the Kelty and she bolted to the water smiling, pointing, and saying "OCEAN!" We ran after her and we all were hit by a little wave. That there ended L's fascination with being in the ocean. However, she found sand to be endless fun.

Tuesday was our 7th anniversary and my sister kindly offered to come over to our air conditioned house and watch Linnea. Joe and I happily faced the 106* weather and went on a 5 hour much needed date. Oh, the glory of it! We had a long lunch, went to a movie, walked around little shops. It was amazing. Something only people with kids can appreciate. I actually think that was the first movie we have seen together since Linnea was born 19 months ago!

Tune in for more stay-cation fun!

"Ish!" (L for fish)

Wanting to share the "ish" with daddy

Daddy showing L a turtle AKA "TURul"

Me showing L that it is OK to pet the old goat in the petting zoo.

L wasn't so sure so went and set next to the big goat.

Deciding that the big goat was safe she went back and gave the little old one some love.

Rainbow Lorikeet-trying not to give you t0o many animal pictures at one go. We did get a Zoo pass you know, so there will be many more to come.

Sadly, I forgot the camera on beach day but luckily Joe had his blackberry and captured a few pics with it.

Our beach set up.

Classic L at the beach.

Me trying to convince L that she should give the Ocean another go, and L not buying my spiel one bit.


  1. Wow, what a fun stay-cation thus far. First off, I too hate lemon mirengue, sad day. Secondly "ish" sounds so cute. I can just hear her running around saying it. We are taking Elijah to the zoo next week for HIS birthday, hope he has as much fun.
    Good job on the hike btw- impressive. I cannot believe that with family in town you do not take FULL ADVANTAGE of free babysitting and go out more. It's a must Imaya, seriously. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Meme is scared to death of the ocean (waves), likes the sand though.

    Happy anniversary! :-) Our 7th is coming up this October! Seems crazy, almost ten years huh?

    Stay-cation! That's a great idea, I read somewhere that Portland was one of the top places in the US to raise a family. Looks like you have a lot of great options around there. I hear more people are doing that, especially with this poor economy. Checking out the places they live in, seeing it through the eyes of a tourist. Cool deal!
