Why Intentful not Intentional

Why intentful and not intentional: I was thinking about how much time I spend just thinking but not actually doing and laughed to myself that I was a "thoughtful" person but what I need to be is an "intentful" person. My thoughts need to transcend into intentional action and thus I need to move away from being "thoughtful" to "intentful".

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mover and a Shaker

As of today L deiced to give tummy time a chance. She very badly wants to stand without assistance and we have a sneaking suspicion that she is using tummy time for this means. When she sits she thrust her back on to the bobby and pushes up with her legs to try to stand too. she is getting quite good at sitting with the boppy, but I haven't captured a good picture yet :-(

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! Get some rest now, you don't have much time left before she's all over everywhere!
